How does Multishoring provide IT staff augmentation services in the USA? Hybrid U.S.-Polish software development teams – that’s how. Interested? Read on… 

Smart IT delivery that connects the two “shores” of IT sourcing to give you an as-my-own-team experience based on a nearshoring and offshoring basis – that’s how we provide IT staff augmentation, team augmentation, and custom software development services in the USA. It means easy and flexible access to a few hundred experienced consultants and senior developers located across the whole USA and over 3,000 developers in one of the best countries to outsource from (Poland). Our U.S. team talks with you in your time zone and while you sleep our Polish team codes. We strongly believe that using our hybrid (on-site and remote) IT teams may speed up your custom software development projects enormously and make your business happier. 

We have 5 branches in the U.S.A., including Austin, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. We employ senior business analysts, software architects, and project managers in these locations. They are easily accessible within working hours and their role is to advise you on a solution you have in mind for your current IT and software development problems and guide you through the whole cooperation.   

Our local U.S. team strictly cooperates with our remote software developers that are based in Poland. We have over 3,000 experienced developers who can provide you with high-quality custom software development services thanks to well-defined processes that cover areas such as taking over and delivering software support, maintenance, and software development based on Agile and DevOps principles.  

Using our frameworks we provide top-notch staff augmentation services and can take you through the whole digital business transformation journey, starting from the idea verification to prototype building and its software development and production deployment and support in the cloud or hybrid-cloud environment. 

Poland codes while the U.S. sleeps  

You can talk in your time zone with our senior business analysts, architects and project managers, who have a good understanding of the problems your company and industry face, and then while the USA sleeps our developers in Poland start coding. This approach can bring several benefits to your company including:  

  • Faster work – Arrangements between you and the project manager on the Multishoring side can be made over the course of the day. And soon after our programmers in Poland begin their work. Due to the time differences, these software development tasks are usually performed while you are asleep, and when you get up, you can pick up your work, provide feedback, and set the next tasks. The effect is as if you were working on a project in two shifts. It means a huge acceleration of the pace of the custom software development project. 


  • All the typical benefits of IT outsourcing – including no need to manage the software development team and equip it with necessary resources for work (as it is handled by a software company/a staff augmentation company), and great flexibility in scaling resources depending on your needs. 


  • Like my own team experience – you have full control of the cooperation. You can meet in person with a project manager or an architect or an analyst if needed. You can also communicate with them during working hours. It is also not a problem for other team members to join meetings because office hours in Poland and the U.S.A. overlap to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the company’s location. 


Why before what 

Find “Why?” first to be able to help in solving the problem – that’s what we believe in. Regardless of whether you are a staff augmentation company, a software development company, or a mobile app development company, you need to know “Why” before “What” to get a good understanding of the problem behind the decision to contact our organization, as well as the situation that led to that decision. Only in this way we can help to permanently remove the problem and build a long-term relationship between our companies, which is always our goal. 

The why before what concept was first introduced by Simon Sinek in the book “Start with Why”. He called it the Golden Circle with Why in the center. Only once you have an answer to “Why?” should you find the answers to the questions “How?” and “What?”. We have adopted this approach to offer advice on whether the software development solution you have in mind is the best and if not to suggest improvements.  

We have enormous experience in servicing various clients from many different industries and most often we understand our clients’ problems very well because they are similar, despite minor differences resulting from the specificity of a given company or industry. So expect us to ask you “Why do you want to do this?” before “What is to do?”. 


Transparent way to get to the contract 

We take you through four parallel paths to get to the contract for staff augmentation services, team augmentation services, and custom software development projects. It includes: 

  • Business case – we start with a discovery session to learn more about your custom software development needs and then based on the findings we define the scope of the project and prioritize the work. The path ends with a detailed proposal that includes findings from other parallel sessions 
  • Technical sessions – during the technical discovery workshops we outline the integration/deployment/software development plan and make sure we understand any technical issues we may come across during the project and that we are able to resolve them  
  • Security issues – as part of this path we verify your security requirements and outline the solutions for any security issues we may encounter 
  • Commercial and legal staff – in parallel we process the NDA agreement and draft the terms and conditions of the final agreement 

When there is a match between your expectations and the custom software development solutions we propose we move to the commercial negotiation phase that ends in the kick-off of the project. 


You generate ideas and we bring them to life  

You can focus on generating ideas and your core business. Our job is to bring them to life. Our senior staff in the USA will help you in clarifying your ideas and transforming them into requirements while our developers will code them. We will coordinate the whole work and deliver the project based on Agile and DevOps principles.  

Additionally, to ensure the high quality and business continuity of all staff augmentation services or custom software development services provided and managed by us for our clients, we use an IT service management model compliant with the ITIL set of practices, and we have in place procedures regarding such areas as knowledge management, change management, incident management and service transition to another provider. All of our activities can be measured with KPIs and we are able to improve in metrics year over year. 


Speed up your IT projects with Multishoring! 

Talk in person and in your time zone with senior business analysts, architects and project managers to clarify your ideas and set requirements. Let our developers code your ideas while you sleep team codes. Take advantage of our smart IT delivery that connects the two “shores” of IT sourcing to give you an as-my-own-team experience based on a nearshoring and offshoring basis. Speed up your IT projects enormously and make your business happier.  

Try us. Send us your RFP! 



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