Education Software Development Services

Echoing Nelson Mandela’s words that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” our education software development services dismantle access barriers and enable bespoke learning experiences, charting a path towards a more inclusive, learner-centric future. Let us show you how our innovative education software transforms classrooms into dynamic spaces, empowering students and teachers to thrive.


Multishoring’s Education Software Solutions — Knowledge, Experience, Competencies

With a blend of internal and external competencies, our interdisciplinary teams of educational software developers drive the creation of educational software solutions that have garnered extensive usage in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

  • Educational solutions for students

    We provide various educational tools for computer science and fine art students from Poland, Ukraine, and India, helping them develop unique competencies and foster collaborations with businesses.

  • Programming learning tools

    Several educational institutions worldwide, including the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, certified our programming learning tools for children.

  • Learn through play

    We teach children in Europe and Africa design using block coding. Thanks to our help, over 200,000 pupils can learn through play.

  • Support for doctors

    Working in the TechMed field, we support doctors in the Netherlands with their research on the use of artificial intelligence in chemotherapy.

  • E-learning solutions for corporates

    We have created several learning platforms for corporates, enabling them to foster continuous professional development and enhance employee skills.

  • Worldwide recognition

    Our innovative solutions supporting development have been recognized by major educational institutions in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Our Custom Educational Software Development Services

As educational software development experts, we specialize in designing and customizing educational software and learning apps for learners of all ages and educational goals. Our educational software developers can assist in developing a tailored application that enables the students at your school to thrive, utilizing the most effective modern learning solutions and opportunities, including:

How Our Educational Software Transforms Learning Experience

Interactivity with virtual reality

Education methods today are undergoing an accelerated digital transformation, based on the free exchange of ideas and free interactions. Significantly, the use of VR in education makes content about 50% easier to remember compared with previously used methods. This is why we have created several educational tools based on virtual and augmented reality.

  • Higher student engagement
  • Better transfer of knowledge
  • Ability to simulate difficult and dangerous phenomena
  • Opportunity to explore remote, inaccessible places
Professional programming training

Although the number of IT specialists is still growing, employers are competing hard for their attention, offering better and better conditions of employment. This is why we have created a solution, which is the world’s first one for professional, fully structured programming education.

  • Ability to run the application on a tablet or mobile phone
  • Environment adapted to every level of computer science education
  • Can be used both in schools and for independent learning
  • Compliance with Polish Education Ministry guidelines
  • Professional support for computer science teachers
Helping IT students undertake cooperation with businesses

A chronic and growing shortage of qualified specialists, increasing staff turnover and rising costs of recruitment of specialized staff are problems for many IT companies. One of our solutions allows you to connect students with potential employers, to help them start working together quickly and efficiently.

  • Ability to upload assignments or career paths based on real-world cases, and branded with your company logo.
  • Building your own CV containing code samples that allow you to present your practical skills
  • Knowledge base of skills possessed by IT professionals and the current needs of IT companies
  • Transferring part of the cost of competency training to the university phase
Easy and smooth communication between students and the dean’s office

We have also created a system to facilitate communication between students and the dean’s office. This system serves as the central storage location for documents generated during university processes, preventing dispersion or duplication and ensuring easy retrieval. Furthermore, the standardization of document handling across different departments ensures data security and the consistent maintenance of records. Users of the system have access to all records and can monitor the progress of their studies in real-time.

  • No need to sign paper documents
  • Support for internships and international exchanges as well as the electronic process of writing diploma theses
  • The system can be easily integrated with other university information systems

Education Software Development – Common Challenges and How We Overcome Them

Educational software development, like any software development project, comes with its own set of unique challenges. By openly addressing these challenges, we can ensure the successful development and implementation of educational software that meets the needs of institutions, teachers, and students. Here are some of the most common issues and the possible solutions we employ:

  • Pedagogical content

    Challenge: One of the main challenges is designing software that effectively teaches the material. This involves understanding the pedagogical strategies that work best in a digital environment and using them to inform the design of the software.

    Solution: We collaborate with educators during the design process to ensure that the software is pedagogically sound and effectively teaches the intended material. This could involve regular meetings with educators or having an educator on the development team.

  • User Interface (UI)

    Challenge: Educational software is often used by a wide range of age groups with varying levels of technological proficiency. It can be challenging to design a UI that is intuitive and easy to use for all intended users.

    Solution: We utilize user testing with a diverse range of users to ensure the software is intuitive and easy to use. Feedback from these tests can then be used to iteratively improve the UI.

  • Engagement

    Challenge: Keeping students engaged in the learning process can be difficult, especially when the material is challenging or not inherently interesting to the student.

    Solution: We incorporate gamification elements into the software to help keep students engaged. This could involve rewards, levels, or competitive elements. It’s also important to provide clear learning goals and immediate feedback to keep students motivated.

  • Accessibility

    Challenge: It’s crucial that educational software is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. However, building accessible software can be challenging.

    Solution: We follow best practices for accessibility in software design, such as those outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Regularly testing the software for accessibility issues can also help ensure all users can effectively use the software.

  • Technology infrastructure

    Challenge: Not all students have access to the same level of technology, which can make it difficult to design software that works well for all.

    Solution: We design the software to be as lightweight as possible and ensure it can run on a wide range of devices and internet speeds. Offering an offline mode for users with unreliable internet access can also be beneficial.

  • Evaluation and updating

    Challenge: Education is a rapidly evolving field, and educational software needs to be able to adapt and evolve along with it.

    Solution: Regular evaluations and updates are essential to ensure the software remains effective and relevant. This could involve collecting feedback from users, monitoring usage data, and staying up-to-date with the latest educational research.

  • Data privacy

    Challenge: Educational software often collects personal data from students, which can raise privacy concerns.

    Solution: We prioritize data privacy and security when designing educational software. This includes encrypting data, limiting the data collected and stored, and being transparent with users about how their data is used.

  • Funding and resources

    Challenge: Developing and maintaining high-quality educational software can be expensive, and many educational institutions operate on limited budgets.

    Solution: Seeking grants and other forms of funding can help provide the necessary resources for educational software development. It may also be beneficial to consider open-source solutions, as they can be more cost-effective and allow for future growth and greater collaboration.

Our Education Software Development Toolkit

Writing educational software is unlike writing programs for other industries. It requires a specialized set of tools and technologies that cater to the unique needs of the education industry. At our disposal, we have a comprehensive toolkit that enables us to create innovative and effective educational software solutions. Here are some of the key components we use:

Contact Us for Educational Software Development Services

Educational software is changing the way we think about learning. By integrating multimedia content, VR, and AI, these modern learning solutions help students engage and take the most out of their lessons in an effective and mesmerizing way. Educational software and apps grant access to the most up-to-date and convenient type of technology. It fosters a productive learning environment tailored to the needs of students, institutions, parents, and teachers. However, this innovative field requires careful planning and experience in a successful implementation. Rest assured; we are here to advise and assist you at every step of your unique custom educational software creation!

Educational Software Development – FAQ

What is educational software?

Educational technology or IT (information and communication technologies) plays a vital role in the modern world for students, educators, businesses, etc. Educational technology has many applications that can increase student engagement, improve performance scores, and reduce the workload on teachers! Our company provides different solutions based on clients’ requirements: course management systems (CMS), learning content management systems (LCMS), and game-based learning tools for students and instructors who want to learn something new or brush up on old skills! You can also check out apps available on google Playmore expensive; our price packages are listed on our website depending on your needs and requirements.

What is the purpose of educational software development?

Education software development companies design educational software to provide an interactive experience for students. What sets this teaching apart from traditional practices? Two key features make it highly engaging: multimedia content, such as graphics and pictures, which help keep learners actively engaged, and sound effects that add a sense of dimensionality not found in books or lectures alone.

What is educational software used for?

One of the most popular solutions that students use is education software for content creation. These programs allow them to design lessons, take exams, and manage their classroom experience easily by producing lists of resources. Additionally, educational software can include features such as time management tools or social networking functionalities like forums, where individuals can ask questions about school-related matters without the fear of judgment from elder individuals.

What are types of educational software?

Educational software can help improve student performance, engagement, and achievement. It includes course management systems (CMS), learning content management systems (LCMS), Game-based learning, e-learning platforms, educational apps, virtual reality (VR) tools for students or teachers that want to learn something new or brush up on old skills!

How much does educational software cost?

Education technology is rapidly changing how we are learning today! Our company provides various packages tailored to your specific requirements, along with free trials for you to test the software without any obligations. Feel free to explore our offerings until you find the perfect fit, and if at any point you feel another option might be more suitable, you can switch courses accordingly. We provide custom quotes based on customers’ specific requests, which can be discussed in detail.

What is the future of software development in educational institutes?

The future of software development in educational institutes is undergoing rapid transformation. Educational technology is revolutionizing the way students learn, allowing for greater accessibility. Teachers can deliver classes without being physically present, and learning materials can be delivered digitally instead of on paper. This shift signifies a seamless process that enables learners worldwide, regardless of their proximity, to access educational resources and engage in remote learning experiences, even if they are separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers.

What is the best educational software?

Determining the best educational software depends on specific requirements, preferences, and goals. There are numerous highly regarded educational software solutions available, each offering different features and benefits. Educational software encompasses various types, including course management systems (CMS), learning content management systems (LCMS), game-based learning, and e-learning platforms. Ultimately, the best educational software will depend on your specific educational objectives, target audience, and desired features.

What are examples of educational software?

Some examples of educational software include:

  • Course management systems (CMS),
  • Learning content management system (LCMS),
  • Adaptive learning systems,
  • Virtual classroom platforms,
  • Gamification software,
  • Learning apps,
  • e-learning platforms and others.

These are just a few examples, and the educational software landscape is continually evolving with new tools and technologies being introduced.